The Arima clan was a Japanese feudal daimyo family dating to the Sengoku period.
Its name "Arima," translates to "has horses," reflecting the Samurai/Cavalry origins of the family. Famous members include Arima Harunobu and Arima Naozumi.
The Arima Clan was heavily influenced by the Christian missionaries and Harunobu himself was baptized and took the name John when he received confirmation.
As a result of his Christianization, the Arima clan received supplies and weapons from the Portuguese, which greatly strengthened the clan.
the Gashira (Officer) Samurai would typically take their commands directly from the Arima Taisho, and lead their subordinate Arima Kachi Samurai into combat.
It comes crafted with a traditional “Tosei Byo-toji Yokohagi Okegawa Do” (Two Section Cuirass with Riveted Horizontal Plating joined by a Pin Hinge). This samurai suit features Kiritsuke Iyozane (simulated scale), sode (shoulder defense scale) and kusazar (skirt-like defensive plates). This design style was common towards the end of the Sengoku Era.
The armor is 100% wearable and fully functional.
Features: Gashira Class crafting.
Full sized and fully functional.
Variation of paint, high quality cotton odoshi colors and traditional features.
Includes display box and stand.
We are the ONLY exclusively licensed Dealer of quality armour for the world renowned Iron Mountain Armory and Little Star Enterprises Inc. in Australia.
1 Review
Very Good
Posted by Reilly on 4th Nov 2017
This is a great piece!!!
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The level of quality & attention to detail is outstanding!!!
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